Creative Vision Casting
Cast vision and create a roadmap to get there
Creative Vision Casting
Mini Course
Cast creative vision for your life, and create a roadmap to get there. Vision casting is a process, not one occasion. It requires consistent reminders to keep it in the forefront of your mind. Vision creates unstoppable momentum, and casting vision comes down to the ability to articulate what that vision is.
This is not creating long to-do lists or resolutions. Vision casting inspires and motivates… doesn’t put another task on our checklists. It’s for the long haul and pours out from our passions and true heart’s desire for every area of our life.
Vision is seeing in your mind’s eye a God-given objective for the future, so you’re motivated to action in the present. Vision casting is being able to communicate a picture of the future in a way that spurs us to action.
Let's move into the next season with intention and purpose….in every area of life!
Techniques Taught:
• What is creative vision casting?
• How is it different than setting goals?
• How to cast vision and articulate it
• See your heart’s desire in your vision and apply it to all areas
• Create a roadmap to move forward
• Re-assess down the road
Supplies List:
Your favorite pens and a journal or notebook.